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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More with Less

Last month, I suggested the following:
The methodology for maintenance will not be the methodology for growth.

Today, I would like to discuss doing more with less.

R-3, Inc. has partnered with PowerSkills Solutions (www.powerskills.com). PowerSkills brings a distinctive competence in Relationship Capital Management to ensure that clients cultivate and leverage the right relationships to successfully execute their growth initiatives. This includes a rich implementation toolkit for strategy execution — Powermapping® consulting services; PowerSkills Competency Model® learning system; PowerSkills Agenda® and PowerSkills Playbook® on-demand applications

We work with clients to define and tailor strategy-to-execution programs to anticipate the next wave of hiring. Our expertise in developing playbooks for growth initiatives is applied with a proven implementation framework to align market, company, team and individual success. Practical solutions encompass strategic assessments; best practice research, intensive planning workshops, program design, program management, change management and learning services.

While the tactical aspects of the hiring, such as which area will begin adding additional talent, the most pressing and difficult part is creating a unified corporate culture. Integrating new employees with existing personnel is a very delicate process, and for companies to see the gains they originally sought, the alignment of people and process is the critical success factor.

Let me suggest an easy and practical first step. We would conduct a Recruiting Audit, which will use our checklist for the critical steps and activities in ‘Hiring the Right Person’. After the audit, we will present our analysis and recommendations.
This will be done a no cost to you!